Justin Watson
Justin Watson
Assistant Professor of Theology
Campbellsville Campus

Ph.D. Student, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
M.Th., B.S. Pastoral Ministries, Campbellsville University
Mr. Justin Watson is a two-time graduate of Campbellsville University and is thrilled
to be serving as a Prof. in the School of Theology at his alma mater. As a student
at CU Mr. Watson was very active on campus serving as Baptist Campus Ministries President
and was a member of the Men’s Basketball team. He graduated summa cum laude and received
the Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award, the Pastoral Ministries Award, and was named a
Daktronics-NAIA Men’s Basketball Scholar-Athlete.
Mr. Watson primarily teaches Intro. to Old Testament and Intro. to New Testament at
the undergraduate level. He loves the opportunity to share the message and history
of the Bible with students of all backgrounds. This role at CU fits perfectly with
his passion and giftedness for sharing the love of Jesus with all people. In addition
to teaching, he enjoys research in the field of New Testament especially in the area
of Biblical backgrounds. He is currently working toward a Ph.D. in New Testament at
New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.
Mr. Watson enjoys serving the Kingdom of God in a variety of capacities. He has served
on local church staffs as Minister of Students and Associate of Evangelism. He has
led revivals, discipleship/small groups, and mission teams as well as provided pulpit
supply. He has participated in and led numerous mission trips.
Justin and his wife Ashley (also a CU grad, M.B.A., B.S.) currently live in Paducah,
KY with their two sons Jon Luke and Jack.